Music Initiative & IHEID Choir Launch

Dear IHEID Community,

If you agree that music is missing at the Institute, if you share the lyrical wish for music to sound at the Institute, and if contributing to a musical Institute resonates with you: this message will be a melody to your ears! 

There are two enchanting possibilities of how you can bring harmony into this space. 

1. Join us in launching a Music Initiative 

This moment is overdue so we are convening an open inaugural meeting this Wednesday, 27 March, 5.30-6.30pm at the Fab. Purpose is to jointly define and set up the initiative, submit an approval request to GISA and make the Institute a space for anything music. Especially first-year and PhD students are warmly invited as carrying this further will be in your hands!  

2. Join a Project Choir

If interested to join a temporary project choir  in the period of April-Mai, please sign up here: to indicate your preferred rehearsal times and frequency. EVERYone is invited to participate (including faculty staff), there will be no audition and instead an enjoyable space free of judgement. The one thing you‘ll need to bring is passion. Paul will be conducting and does this for fun, too! You may even suggest songs to be rehearsed, and eventually to be performed at a concert towards mid-June. Should you be writing a thesis at the moment, the rehearsals of 1,5h every week will be the perfect relief, revive your motivation, and provide a channel to unlock your creativity! 

We are really excited to orchestrate these steps with you! Jacob Collier says: “There is no such thing as ‘good music’ or ‘bad music’. It’s just the music that feels right for you”. 

Thank you for your participation, it feels right to bring more music to IHEID. 

Celine, Masa & Paul

For any comment or question, please reach out to


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